Help us do more

We need your donations to help promote our mission

Our mission is to provide free, nutritionally balanced meal to students in public primary schools so that they can focus on learning effectively.

Donate Online


The promise of our hard work is to protect school children from hunger and it takes donors who believe in the cause, partners who pool their resources and expertise to work together for great change. It takes compassion to help these little ones.

$0.70 NGN 250

provides one student with one meal for a day

$50 NGN 18,000

provides one student with meal for a school year

$277 NGN 100,000

provides a whole school with meal for a day

Other Ways to Donate

* 100% of your donations will go towards feeding school children

* $0.70/N250 per meal delivered (averaged against portion, size and nutritional values)

Guarantee Trust Bank
Bethsaida Foundation

Account #: 0434704520 (NGN)
Account #: 0434704537 (USD)
Sort Code: 058152023

Bethsaida Foundation is a legally registered Not-for-Profit organization with registration number: CAC/IT/NO 112023

* All of our operating expenses are covered by donations or grants specifically for operational use, so 100% of your donations provides free meals to the children.

Let's work together

We value our corporate partners and their commitment to help us fight child hunger in Nigeria. Bethsaida Foundation welcomes the opportunity to partner with your organization as well. To find out more, read our case for support.